PTA » PTA Committees

PTA Committees

Committees can only exist with volunteers to fill them.
Tasks bite-sized or bigger, we need parent volunteers to bake cookies, weed the garden, organize a gala, and help shape our children's school experience. Becoming involved in a committee is a great way to dig-in, bring what you uniquely have to offer to the table and get to know fellow members in the PS 133 community.
The role of this committee is to get out the message on behalf of the PTA and support the PS 133 Admin team and staff. No technology skills required but knowledge and experience in marketing, communications and online outreach is useful. We produce a weekly newsletter, assist with Parent Square, manage the PS 133 social media pages, and support each PTA committee in getting their events promoted. 
Do you love copy editing? Are you a skilled translator? Do you have natural knack for social media? Join our committee, and let's work together to create clear, kind, accessible communication for our PS 133 community. 
Chair: Taylor Mali [email protected]
Extended Day
The amazing playlab133 is no longer active, but we are still exploring ways to open up extended-day care options to our school parents and children. Thanks to fellow parent Laura Fishman, we have an updated list you can find here. With help, we could continue to maintain it and do so much more.
Co-Chairs: Janeva Morfaw & Jenny McCoy email [email protected]
The Fundraising committee is the central hub of our fundraising efforts. The Fundraising committee brainstorms ideas, initiates and coordinates fundraising activities, such as the Annual Appeal, Annual Spring Auction, Readathon, book fairs, school supply kits, Mabel’s Labels, Marathon and Election Day Bake Sales, Picture Day, Legacy Tile Wall and many more! This committee oversees current fundraising initiatives and launches new ones. The sky is the limit!
Co-Chairs: Janeva Morfaw, Shary Cabrera, Rosa Reynoso
If you wish to help green our school, The Garden of Wonder is your committee! Named by our students and created in 2012, the goal of this committee is not only to grow and maintain the garden but also to introduce students to the joy of gardening with hands-on classroom activities. Several times a year, students are able to sample the Garden of Wonder’s harvest in the cafeteria.
Co-Chairs: Laura Fishman, Tabatha Valderrama
Language & Cultural Diversity
The Language and Cultural Diversity Committee supports ALL students at PS133 in second language acquisition and cultural understanding with the goal of fostering their academic and personal success. We collaborate with our community, school administration, staff, and our families providing a forum and organizing events and other engagements to share information and resources in order to foster a diverse international community.
Chair: Could this be you? Contact Yoko Lytle [email protected]
If you have any questions about dual language, please reach out to Mr. Dickerson at [email protected]
Resources for Learning Diversity (RLD)
The goals of the RLD Committee are to raise awareness about different types of learning challenges (address stigma), provide support to parents of children with IEPs (Individualized Educational Program), and do outreach to parents currently experiencing challenges who are not receiving services yet. We meet every third Friday, so if you are interested in learning more, email us and let's connect!
Chair: Karisma Casilla
Teacher Grants
Each year the Grant Committee coordinates grant applications and awards to PS133 teachers on a rolling basis. Joining this committee will give you an inside view on what teachers are doing to support their students, their own personal learning to bring into the classroom and on the grade-or school-wide resources they hope to provide for 133 learners.
Chair: Mei Lan Yoong-Guiral [email protected]
Performing Arts
We have a great auditorium and strive to put it to good use every year! Be a part of this committee to help support and publicize our theater arts residencies with Theater for A New Audience (TFANA) & Creative Stages; enable the visions of our amazing drama & music teachers; and continue to build dance programming at PS 133. We need volunteers to assist with running lights/sound, building sets & props and making costumes for the school musical and other original projects. For the past three years, The Performing Arts Committee has been instrumental in winning a grant and to pay a sizable chunk of costs for the TFANA’s New Voices Project and World Theater Project at PS 133– 13-week residencies that culminate with performances by 133 students our auditorium. The Committee also successfully launched PS 133’s very own talent showcase – PS 133′s GOT TALENT!
Co-chairs: Hillary Hittner & Melissa Gawlowski Pratt – [email protected]
Do you love books and would you like to help to reinvigorate our PS 133 library space? Would you like to be involved in creating programming and learning opportunities around literacy for students and families? This committee will be starting fresh this year and all are welcome to join and share ideas. Our goal is to increase community engagement and provide greater access to the amazing resources within our beautiful school library.
Co-Chairs: Melanie Okadigwe & Eliza Swift [email protected]
Volunteer Coordinator
This role helps PS133 and our dynamic PTA inform, cultivate and organize amazing volunteers for exciting and enriching initiatives. There are so many ways to get involved that this role is essential to make sure parents know about opportunities and keeps the process is well-managed. Our goals is to make it easy–and fun– to contribute your time and talent to help our community!
Coordinator: OPEN – could this be you? Email [email protected]