School Meals
PS 133 provides free breakfast and lunch at no cost. Because of our federal funding, we are able to ensure that every child has a meal, if they need one. If your child usually brings lunch or eats breakfast at home but forgot their meal one day, they can still have lunch in our cafeteria, thanks to our federal funding. No child needs to go hungry.
Early in the fall, each child will receive a federal government form from which eligibility for free or reduced cost lunch is determined. You can also download the form by clicking: ApplyForLunch. It is vital to our funding that all parents complete this form, because it affects the school’s funding status for several programs. Even if you are ineligible or do not intend to have your child eat school breakfast or lunch, you MUST sign and return this form. Children receiving free or reduced cost lunch will receive a school lunch for field trips.
The food that is provided through our school food program meets or exceeds USDA standards, and we make every attempt to ensure that the food is healthy, tasty, and appealing to our students. We limit the sodium and fat content, use whole wheat breads, and offer only low-fat or fat-free milks. We recommend that parents view the DOE’s School Food webpage (below) if they have any questions or concerns about our food offerings.
Click on the links for information about the school food policies and options, school food standards, and nutritional information.