Parents » PTA Elections

PTA Elections

Elections for the 2024-25 school year will be held on Wednesday, June 12th, 8:15AM, in the school cafeteria as part of our June PTA Meeting. It will be in-person only.
A Nomination Committee is needed to ensure elections are conducted in a free, fair, and inclusive manner, and provides opportunity for the full participation of all members. We also need to ensure we follow the Chancellor guidelines and our bylaws. If you are not planning to run for an elected office and are willing to serve on the committee, please reach out to [email protected].
There are three mandatory elected roles necessary to form a PTA: President, Treasurer, and Reporting Secretary. Additionally, NYC public schools are required to have elected Student Leadership Team positions filled by parents. P.S. 133 has 4 parent positions plus the ex-officio PTA President position.
The PTA has also added these board positions via our bylaws: VP of Community, VP of Development, Assistant Treasurer, and Commissioner of Communications.
The roles are explained below with an excerpt from our bylaws. Feel free to reach out for more detail.
Please reach out to any current board member or the nominating committee at [email protected] if you are interested in and willing to serve in one of these elected roles.
"You'll need to be available to keep your finger on the pulse of the happenings in the school and PTA. All decisions are by committee. Ensuring all voices have an opportunity to be heard, are thoughtfully considered, and the best interests of the school community are never lost, all while moving things forward is a big part of the job." - Joel Tse, current PTA President
Excerpt from the bylaws:
  1. The president shall preside at all meetings of the Association and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating committee.
  2. The president shall appoint chairpersons of Association committees with the approval of the executive board.
  3. The president shall delegate responsibilities to other Association members and shall encourage meaningful participation in all parent and school activities.
  4. The president shall attend all regular meetings of the presidents' council and shall be a mandatory member of the School Leadership Team. 
    1. If the president is unable to serve on the President’s Council, he/she must nominate a designee to serve in his/her stead and that designee must then be approved by the membership.
    2. In the case of co-presidents, the remaining PTA officers must decide which one will serve on the SLT.
    3. If a president is unable to serve on the SLT, he/she must nominate a designee to serve in this position. The designee must be approved by the membership.
  5. The president shall meet regularly with the executive board members in accordance with these bylaws to plan the agendas for the general membership meetings.
  6. The president shall be one of the eligible signatories on checks.
  7. The president shall assist with the June transfer of Association records to the incoming executive board. 
“It helps if you are already familiar with Quickbooks, but it’s mostly about making sure we stick to the budget, overseeing bank deposits, writing checks, and pushing paper around." - Anna Amadei, current PTA Treasurer
Excerpt from the bylaws:
  1. The treasurer shall be responsible for all financial affairs and funds of the Association. 
  2. The PTA of PS 133K is a recognized 501(c)(3) by the IRS, and the treasurer will first and foremost follow the rules and regulations set forth by IRS in 4221-PC - Compliance Guide for 501(c)(3) Public Charities, as well as Chancellor’s Regs A-660 and the PTA of PS 133K bylaws.
  3. The treasurer will familiarize him/herself with IRS publication 1771 - Charitable Contributions.
  4. Duties and responsibilities include:
    1. Maintaining an updated record of all income and expenditures on school premises. 
    2. Preparing and presenting a written report of all transactions at every executive board and general membership meeting. This report must include income, refunds, reimbursements and other expenditures, and opening and closing balances for the reporting period. 
    3. Preparing the Association's interim and annual financial reports.
    4. Preparing all fundraising reports and turning those reports into the principal post fundraising activity.
    5. Make available all books and financial records for viewing by members upon request and for audit. 
    6. Assisting with the June transfer of all Association records to the incoming executive board as well as will ensure an audit of the books occurs before the turn-over. 
  5. The treasurer will be one of the designated signatories on Association checks.
  6. The treasurer will work with the executive board to develop the annual budget as well as present it to the principal before presenting it to membership for voting.
  7. The treasurer will ensure taxes are filed for the Association in a timely manner in accordance with IRS guidelines. 
  8. The treasurer may work with an outside accountant to ensure proper IRS filing procedures are followed.
  9. The treasurer will do his/her best to maintain and update the treasurer manual established so that business continuity will be maintained upon leave.
  10. The treasurer will ensure that all financial records are properly maintained as PTA records must be kept for 6 years. 
Excerpt from the bylaws:
  1. The recording secretary shall record minutes at all Association meetings in compliance with A-660 regulations and with the purpose of enabling parents and teachers who cannot attend meetings to understand and participate in our school community. 
  2. The recording secretary shall prepare the minutes of each Association meeting and shall make copies of the minutes available at the next scheduled meeting for review and approval by the general membership. 
  3. The recording secretary will be responsible for drafting general membership meeting agendas and distributing meeting notices.
  4. The recording secretary is responsible for ensuring a sign-in sheet is ready and filled-out by attendees of general membership meetings
  5. The recording secretary shall maintain custody of the Association’s records on school premises including minutes, agendas and sign-in sheets as PTA records must be kept for 6 years.
  6. The recording secretary shall incorporate all amendments into the bylaws and shall ensure that signed copies of the bylaws with the latest amendments are on file in the principal’s office. 
  7. The recording secretary shall be responsible for reviewing, maintaining and responding to all correspondence addressed to the Association. 
  8. The recording secretary shall be one of the eligible signatories on checks. 
  9. The recording secretary shall assist with the June transfer of all Association records to the incoming executive board.
Excerpt from the bylaws:
  1. The vp of community involvement shall assist the president and shall assume the president's duties in his/her or their absence or at the president's request. This position is responsible for cultivating the internal school community including parents and teachers, as well as the external community including but not limited to 
    neighborhood businesses, local community boards, local elected officials, advocacy organizations and relationships with other schools (including middle schools). A main focus is developing ways to celebrate the PS 133 community. The vp of community involvement will work with the president to build volunteers and 
    maintain communication between various committees to improve their effectiveness. 
  2. The vp of community involvement shall assist with the June transfer of all Association records to the incoming executive board.
Excerpt from the bylaws:
  1. The vp of development will ensure that the various committees, fundraising and grant writing efforts are working towards a common goal and towards meeting fundraising expectations. 
  2. This position will work with the treasurer, assistant treasurer and budget committee to develop the fundraising portion of the budget based on input solicited from committees and teachers. 
  3. The vp of development shall assist with the June transfer of all Association records to the incoming executive board.
Excerpt from the bylaws draft, pending approval
  1. The vp of student enrichment is responsible for supporting committees, events, and initiatives with the goal of student enrichment and enhancing the student experience.
  2. Examples of committees, events, and initiatives under the purview of the vp of student enrichment may include and are not limited to:
    1. Extended Day
    2. Garden
    3. Performing Arts
    4. Library
    5. Teacher Grants
  3. This position will work with the treasurer, assistant treasurer, and budget committee to manage the enrichment expense portion of the budget based upon input solicited from committees, teachers, and general membership.
  4. The vp of student enrichment shall assist with the June transfer of all Association records to the incoming executive board
"This officer of the PTA is the gatekeeper of ParentSquare, the manager of social media, the editor-in-chief of the newsletter, and the advisor/sounding board to all committees for how best to promote their projects. It's best to cultivate a team of capable managers who can adapt quickly. Planning in advance is great, but being capable on the fly is more useful." - Taylor Mali, current Comm. of Communications
Excerpt from the bylaws:
  1. The secretary of communications is responsible for identifying and using communication tools that are accessible to our parents including the website, PTA newsletter, robo-call, and backpack mailers to communicate messages from the PTA and various committees in order to build community.
  2. Multiple means of communication may be necessary to ensure that all parents are notified. 
  3. He/she will develop a volunteer group of translators who will help translate PTA and committee materials into Spanish and other languages parents speak at home as identified by the school.
  4. The communication secretary is responsible for drafting and distributing the PTA newsletter as well as overseeing a comprehensive flow of communications for various needs. 
  5. The communication secretary will lead a team of volunteers to achieve all of the communication needs. 
  6. The communication secretary shall assist with the June transfer of all Association records to the incoming executive board.
Excerpt from the bylaws:
  1. The assistant treasurer will work with the treasurer to maintain records of income and expenditures, focus on auditing books, facilitate tax filings and well as help prepare reports for executive and general membership board meetings. 
  2. The assistant treasurer will oversee the day-to-day operations of the PS 133 merchandise sales and work with a set group of volunteers each school year to ensure proper book-keeping practices are upheld, orders are placed and inventory is maintained in a clear and concise manner.
  3. The assistant treasurer will be responsible for coordinating and mailing (or emailing) proof of donation letters to donors as appropriate. 
  4. The assistant treasurer may not be a signatory on Association checks.
  5. When the treasurer is unavailable, the assistant treasurer will present reports to the executive and general membership meetings as necessary.
These three points excerpted from Chancellor's Regulation A-655 that summarize the role well.
  • The SLT is responsible for developing the school’s Comprehensive Educational Plan (CEP) and ensuring that it is aligned with the school-based budget. (Section II.A.1) 
  • SLTs must use a consensus-based decision-making process as their primary means of decision-making. (Section VIII.) 
  • The principal is responsible for developing the school-based budget, after consulting with the SLT, and ensuring that it is aligned with the CEP. (Section II.A.2.)