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Contact Us

PS 133 William A. Butler School

Serving Grades: Pre-K–5

610 Baltic Street, Brooklyn, NY 11217

Phone: 718-398-5320

Fax: 718-398-5325

Contact Information

Parent Coordinator: Ahmed Dickerson

For any school related inquiries/ school tours, please email Mr. Dickerson at [email protected]

PS 133 William A. Butler School encourages parents and members of the community to contact us and visit our school. Please contact us with any questions, comments or suggestions you may have.

If you’re planning a visit, please check in with our front office upon arrival. In the interest of student safety and security, we must know if you are planning to be on school property during school hours.

In Case of Emergency

It is important that we prepare ourselves to handle a variety of safety and health concerns. Below you will find information for helping each other, parents and school staff, to handle health, weather, and other unplanned events or emergencies to promote the best outcome for our families.

Blue Emergency Cards

This card lists emergency contact information. Please be certain that cards are filled out completely and returned to the Main Office as soon as possible. In the event the school needs to contact you regarding your child, it is important to list all telephone numbers where you or your designated caregiver(s) can be reached during the school day. Please provide at least two emergency numbers. Children are not released to anyone whose name is not on the Blue Card. If information changes at any time during the year, it is important that you come into the Main Office and update the Blue Card.

Emergency Closings and Delayed Openings

The Chancellor of the NYC Department of Education makes decisions as it relates to school closures and delayed openings by 6am on a given day. Parents can find updated information by checking the DOE website (, calling 311, or by listening to local news radio, local TV stations, or cable channel NY1. School closures also cancel all field trips, after-school programs, and school transportation for that day.

Emergency Evacuation Plan

In case of an emergency evacuation during the school day, students and staff will relocate to MS 51 (350 5th Avenue, at 4th Street), which is our designated Safe Zone. In the extreme case, our secondary evacuation site is the Hotel Le Bleu (370 4th Avenue, at 5th Street). In the event of such an emergency, school personnel will be positioned at PS 133 to assist parents. School personnel will notify parents of where to meet their child.

School Nurse

If a child is ill or injured during school hours, he/she will be seen by the school nurse, Janice Jefferson. Should your child require medication to be administered, or have inhalers or EpiPens for emergency use, a parent must fill out a 504 form, available from the nurse. No adult in the school is permitted to administer medication without parental consent.